lunes, 9 de junio de 2014

Week 1: BAM to JSON

About a year ago, I heard about the BioJS project, I was looking for a component to display multiple sequence alignments. Back then, I could´t find a plugin suitable for me, and I thought I would design and implement mine when the time to develop the web server of my project was in place. As at that point my software wash´t ready to production, I didm´t pursued it further. However, I did read the documentation of how to design the components, so I when applying to the GSoC 2014 I was completely aware of the technicalities. So I decided to start my project as a clone of the BioJS project, making sure it compiles (I´m currently not compiling it for each test, but I test it now and then). The current branch for this protect is located in:

I haven´t written javascript since the time when the ajax catchy word and CSS started to change the design. I come from the age of the TD and TR. As such, I decided to start my return to .js with the basics. I´m starting by writing a parser for the SAM format, according to the specification 1.4 ( The current parser looks like:

       parse_sam_line: function(sam_line){
          var currentline = sam_line.split("\t");

          var cigar = currentline[5] 

          var obj = {
            qname : currentline[0] ,
            flags : parseInt(currentline[1],10),
            rname : currentline[2] ,
            pos   : parseInt(currentline[3],10) ,
            mapq  : parseInt(currentline[4],10) ,
            cigar : currentline[5] ,
            rnext : currentline[6] ,
            pnext : parseInt(currentline[7],10),
            tlen  : parseInt(currentline[8],10) ,
            seq   : currentline[9] ,
            qual  : currentline[10] ,
            len   : 100, //TODO: change this to use the cigar.  
            has_flag : function (f){return flags & f > 0 }

          /* @is_paired  = (@flag & 0x0001) > 0
              @is_mapped             = @flag & 0x0002 > 0
              @query_unmapped        = @flag & 0x0004 > 0
              @mate_unmapped         = @flag & 0x0008 > 0
              @query_strand          = !(@flag & 0x0010 > 0)
              @mate_strand           = !(@flag & 0x0020 > 0)
              @first_in_pair         = @flag & 0x0040 > 0
              @second_in_pair        = @flag & 0x0080 > 0
              @primary               = !(@flag & 0x0100 > 0)
              @failed_quality        = @flag & 0x0200 > 0
              @is_duplicate          = @flag & 0x0400 > 0*/

              for(var j=12;j < currentline.length;j++){
                var tag = sam_line[j].split(":")

                if (tag[1] == "i"){
                 obj[tag[0]] = parseInt(tag[2]);
               }else if (tag[1 == "f"]){
                obj[tag[0]] = parseFloat(tag[2]);
                obj[tag[0]] = tag[2];
            return obj;

The parser creates a new object, by splitting each line of the SAM by it´s tabs. The numeric values are parsed accordingly and the extra fields are stored in a dictionary at the end. The length of the aligned bases is not in the format, so in the following weeks I´ll return to parse the CIGAR line, which is the field that contains the details of the alignments. Also, the has_flag function is used to validate the binary flags as stated in the documentation.

In order to avoid loading all the SAM file (usually multi-gigabyte files), I’m using ajax to load particular regions. At this point, I’m assuming I have a server which can query in the standard region used by samtools (chromosome:start-end). For testing purposes, it is possible to point to a local sam file. The loader looks like:
load_region: function(region){
        reference = this.reference;  
        reg = region.toString; //Format: chromsome:start-end
          type: "GET",
          url: this.dataSet,
          data: { region: reg, ref: this.reference } ,
          dataType: "text",
          container: this,
          success: function (data) {
            correct = true
            reads = this.container.parse_sam(data);
            if(reads.length > 0){
            } else {
              alert("Unknown format detected");

          error: function (qXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
            alert(" Error loading the  SAM File! \n" + textStatus +
      "\n" + errorThrown + "\n" + qXHR );

Also, to avoid loading severalties the same coordinate, and enable asynchronous loading of subregions, a caching mechanism keeps a dictionary of positions with all the reads overlapping, and if for some region a read is loaded twice, it only keeps the first read. This is needed, because when you query a region, you get reads in the flanks that overlap to the next region.

 The current code adding to the cache is:

     add_alignments: function(alignments){
            var als = this.alignments;
            var added = 0;
            for(var i = 0; i < alignments.length; i++){
              var aln = alignments[i];
              if("undefined" === typeof als[aln.pos]){
                als[aln.pos] = {}; 
              var current_alignments = als[aln.pos];
              if("undefined" ===  typeof als[aln.pos][aln.qname]){
                added ++;
                als[aln.pos][aln.qname] = aln;

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